Deep calls out to deep
As You call out to me

I was inspired to begin writing this song by a verse, Psalm 42:7 ~ “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me” ~ and then I thought of Peter.

Is it You, Lord, that I see
Walking on my troubled sea
As the waves and the billows roll?

Remember the story in Matthew 14? The disciples are out in a boat in the middle of raging wind and crashing waves. Then out of the dark of night comes Jesus walking on the water! At first the disciples think they’re seeing a ghost, but Jesus reassures them saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” (vs. 27).

But Peter wants to be absolutely sure, so he asks Jesus to call him out on the water too. When Jesus does, Peter steps out of the boat with faith… but not without fear tagging along.

Fear:  “Stay in the boat, or you’re gonna take a swim!”
Faith:  “Jesus said to come, so here I go!”
Fear:  “How foolish!  You’re gonna sink like a rock!”
Faith:  “Wow, I can hardly believe it!” I’m actually walking on the water!!”
Fear:  “Wow, would you just look at those massive waves!!”
Faith (faltering):  “…………”
Fear (smugly):  “Told ya (heh heh).”
Faith (all that’s left of it, as Peter begins to sink like a rock): “Lord, save me!” (vs. 30).

“And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’” (vs. 31).

I love that Jesus didn’t say, “O you of no faith”… this gives me hope! Jesus responded to “little faith”. And what especially blesses me is that even when the only faith we may have left is to cry out, “Lord, save me!”, it is enough. Jesus will do so, and He will do so “immediately”!

In the middle of the night
As my faith and fear collide
With the floods surrounding my soul
You reach out Your hand to me
And faith wins the victory
Into the deep with You I’ll go 


